Four months ago I was sitting on the blue couch in North 6 chatting with Anna and Cassandra about life. About boys. About love. About school. About church. and about everything. Cassandra was curled up on the love sac drifting off to sleep. Anna was busy away on her laptop editing photos.
And then I said it.
"Guys. I think I want to go on a mission...."
And then proceeded to list all of the reasons why I shouldn't go.
But then they both proceeded to list reasons why I should go. Or things to make my excuses invalid.
And then I kind of realized they were right. That I would put it to the test. Get my feet a little wet and figure out if I should go. If I could go.
And here we are four months later. The night before I get set apart. Packed and (mostly) ready to go.
Headed to Novosibirsk Russia. A place I had never heard of. A place you probably haven't either.
I will be learning a whole new language. With a whole new alphabet. A whole new culture. A whole new experience.
But most importantly, a whole new life. I have a whole new life ahead of me. A new me. Sister Carling.
Not entirely different. But new.
A life dedicated to my loving Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. A life working hard and meeting new friends and new acquaintances bringing them into this glorious gospel as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I'm so grateful for these last four months. For all of the love and support I've received from friends and family. And I'm so eager to see what is in store for me in my new home in Siberia.
Stay posted friends. Many new and exciting things to come.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Once upon a time I opened my mission call...
It was April 11th 2012. And one of the best days of my life.
It was the last day of classes and it was full of fun and friends.
I returned from work at approximately 1:00 in the afternoon to wait at the mailbox. I checked and nothing was there. Cassandra and I noticed our friends at the TAJ just chillin' on the hammock so we sat and chatted for a while.
Then I saw her. The mail lady. With her little truck and her pouch filled.
I ran towards her and asked if she had a mission call per chance. She said Yes! For who? I told her my name and she handed it to me. I screamed and held it close and then sprinted back to the TAJ.
We took turns feeling it. And guessing what it said. But did not open it.
I proceeded to text my entire contact list and let them know it was finally here! And I'd be opening it at 8:30.
Then I sat and wondered. And dreamed and got nervous. So what do I do when I'm anxious and stressed?
I bake.
So I made some chocolate chip cookies and lemon cupcakes with strawberries on top.
Cassandra made a nice little poster and we started writing down people's guesses.
It was the longest day of my life.
I stayed fairly busy but time just dragged on and on and on and on...
At 8:30 all of my friends and family in Provo came to my apartment and joined the celebration.
My parents and siblings were all at home on skype and then the moment came....
I struggled opening the call (of course) and tears began to stream down my face.
I tried to read it one line at a time but my eyes immediately found it.
The place I'd be serving in for 18 months.
I'll report June 6th to the Provo MTC
It was all surreal.
Russia NEVER crossed my mind.
I didn't even know how to pronounce it!
Luckily we had a fellow Russian speaker Tyler help me.
The next few days were a blur. Of googling Russia. Not sleeping well. Dreaming about the snow.
And trying to read the Russian books from Tyler.
But there it is folks. I've been called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Novosibirsk Russia.
The third largest city in Russia. Located right above Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The mission covers a HUGE area about the size of the United States and all located in Siberia!
I seriously cannot wait and am still shocked that heavenly father wants me to be there and thinks I'm capable of learning Russian and surviving the arctic winters. But I know this is the right thing to do and the right place to be!
My good friend Anna Gleave is a photographer and took some wonderful pictures of the night.
So enjoy : )
It was April 11th 2012. And one of the best days of my life.
It was the last day of classes and it was full of fun and friends.
I returned from work at approximately 1:00 in the afternoon to wait at the mailbox. I checked and nothing was there. Cassandra and I noticed our friends at the TAJ just chillin' on the hammock so we sat and chatted for a while.
Then I saw her. The mail lady. With her little truck and her pouch filled.
I ran towards her and asked if she had a mission call per chance. She said Yes! For who? I told her my name and she handed it to me. I screamed and held it close and then sprinted back to the TAJ.
We took turns feeling it. And guessing what it said. But did not open it.
I proceeded to text my entire contact list and let them know it was finally here! And I'd be opening it at 8:30.
Then I sat and wondered. And dreamed and got nervous. So what do I do when I'm anxious and stressed?
I bake.
So I made some chocolate chip cookies and lemon cupcakes with strawberries on top.
Cassandra made a nice little poster and we started writing down people's guesses.
It was the longest day of my life.
I stayed fairly busy but time just dragged on and on and on and on...
At 8:30 all of my friends and family in Provo came to my apartment and joined the celebration.
My parents and siblings were all at home on skype and then the moment came....
I struggled opening the call (of course) and tears began to stream down my face.
I tried to read it one line at a time but my eyes immediately found it.
The place I'd be serving in for 18 months.
I'll report June 6th to the Provo MTC
It was all surreal.
Russia NEVER crossed my mind.
I didn't even know how to pronounce it!
Luckily we had a fellow Russian speaker Tyler help me.
The next few days were a blur. Of googling Russia. Not sleeping well. Dreaming about the snow.
And trying to read the Russian books from Tyler.
But there it is folks. I've been called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Novosibirsk Russia.
The third largest city in Russia. Located right above Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The mission covers a HUGE area about the size of the United States and all located in Siberia!
I seriously cannot wait and am still shocked that heavenly father wants me to be there and thinks I'm capable of learning Russian and surviving the arctic winters. But I know this is the right thing to do and the right place to be!
My good friend Anna Gleave is a photographer and took some wonderful pictures of the night.
So enjoy : )
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Mental Dance Party
I am in desperate need of a dance party. I'm sitting here in the wilk trying to study for my 3 finals today, (eeks) but I can't stop listening to these songs and resisting the urge to stand up and shake it. So if you are in the mood to dance, join me and have a dance party in your head.
Now, wasn't that fun!?
Now, wasn't that fun!?
Monday, April 2, 2012
April Fools
Three days ago, tomorrow, on the 31st of March,
Four girls got together and they were super parched.
Right then the clock struck midnight, april fools was now in sight.
Their minds began to wander about pranks to pull that night.
You see these four girls live outside what they all call “town”
With center and south doors unsurveillanced, something had to go down!
They got fish line, yarn and scissors to pull of this prank,
but when they walked through town at one, their four hearts all sank.
Lights, computers and tvs were on, but how could this be?
They realized the best prank ever now had a little fee.
As they sat and waited for their victims to finally rest their heads,
these four lovely ladies put puzzles together and avoided all their beds.
Finally at three a.m. they traveled back around.
Everyone seemed to be asleep-they scattered across the ground.
With all of their materials in hand they zig-zagged to and fro,
and once the knots were sturdy they could finally go.
So to all who kept accusing and asking throughout the whole day,
we are the ones who did it-Sorry April Fools was yesterday!
I hope you all had a great april fools day!
This one will live in infamy. Just like the icy hot in 8th grade.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I Hope They Call Me On A Mission...
Once upon a time, I turned 21.
And became eligible to serve a mission for my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(AKA The Mormons)
Growing up I never thought I'd go. It didn't appeal to me and the thought of taking a year and half off of school and life didn't sound great.
But then something changed...
The thought popped into my mind. And I was like "Oh hey! I could go on a mission!"
But then I was confused. Should I go? Should I finish school? Should I go on a study abroad? Should I, should I, should I. blah blah blah.
So I prayed about it.
Hoping that I would feel something. Hoping I would receive an answer. Because I know that God listens and answers my prayers. But sometimes we don't get those answers right away. Or in the way we want. I was hoping I'd get a whopping "YES!" or a NO! but I just felt confused.
Sometimes, God wants us to make our own decisions. Sometimes either option is a good option. Sometimes he wants us to take a leap of faith and make that decision.
After we make that decision we figure out if it was right.
And this decision was right.
I started filling out my papers. I talked to my parents and I talked to my church leaders.
And it felt really good.
I don't know how to explain it. But I felt happy. I felt good about that decision.
There are still times when I freak out. And think.
But then I remember how I felt after I made the decision.
I felt happiness.
I felt love.
Then I remembered how going to church makes me feel. and how reading my scriptures makes me feel.
And I feel happy.
I feel joy.
I feel love.
I feel peace.
I'm going to be spending the next year and half teaching others about this church that makes me feel happy. That makes me feel loved. I'll be teaching others how to have those same feelings and draw closer to God. And that's when I get excited.
So it's official. I've turned in my papers. And in 2-3 weeks I should get my call. I have no idea where I am going. It could be anywhere. So place your bets and make your guesses. And I promise the second I receive my call I'll let you know.
*Also, If you have ever had questions about my faith or what mormons are all about, please feel free to ask me. Or check this out *
And became eligible to serve a mission for my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(AKA The Mormons)
Growing up I never thought I'd go. It didn't appeal to me and the thought of taking a year and half off of school and life didn't sound great.
But then something changed...
The thought popped into my mind. And I was like "Oh hey! I could go on a mission!"
But then I was confused. Should I go? Should I finish school? Should I go on a study abroad? Should I, should I, should I. blah blah blah.
So I prayed about it.
Hoping that I would feel something. Hoping I would receive an answer. Because I know that God listens and answers my prayers. But sometimes we don't get those answers right away. Or in the way we want. I was hoping I'd get a whopping "YES!" or a NO! but I just felt confused.
Sometimes, God wants us to make our own decisions. Sometimes either option is a good option. Sometimes he wants us to take a leap of faith and make that decision.
After we make that decision we figure out if it was right.
And this decision was right.
I started filling out my papers. I talked to my parents and I talked to my church leaders.
And it felt really good.
I don't know how to explain it. But I felt happy. I felt good about that decision.
There are still times when I freak out. And think.
But then I remember how I felt after I made the decision.
I felt happiness.
I felt love.
Then I remembered how going to church makes me feel. and how reading my scriptures makes me feel.
And I feel happy.
I feel joy.
I feel love.
I feel peace.
I'm going to be spending the next year and half teaching others about this church that makes me feel happy. That makes me feel loved. I'll be teaching others how to have those same feelings and draw closer to God. And that's when I get excited.
So it's official. I've turned in my papers. And in 2-3 weeks I should get my call. I have no idea where I am going. It could be anywhere. So place your bets and make your guesses. And I promise the second I receive my call I'll let you know.
*Also, If you have ever had questions about my faith or what mormons are all about, please feel free to ask me. Or check this out *
Monday, March 5, 2012
John Clayton Mayer
Once upon a time, I fell in love.
With a little certain someone named John.
It may have been back in 2002 with such great songs as this.
When I couldn't drive and my mother and I would "scream at the top of my lungs" on my way to school.
But ever since then I knew I couldn't leave him behind.
Songs and bands seem to come and go but dear brother john never leaves.
His albums come with more complexity and new sounds every time but yet never cease to amaze me.
I am pretty much never disappointed. (Except for two songs. "Say" and "Who Says" which I'm going to ignore for the rest of my life.)
I've been with John through thick and thin.
Through Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Anniston and Jessica Simpson.
Through his terrible press and his "racist" remarks. Through his parent's divorce and many new tattoos I've given him the benefit of the doubt.
Lyrics from his new song Shadow Days
"I'm a good man with a good heart, had a tough time, had a rough start,
but I finally learned to let it go. Now I'm right here and I'm right now and I'm open, knowing somehow that my shadow days are over, my shadow days are over now"
I am soooo freaking excited for his new album to come out. John is a changed man and I can't wait to hear what it sounds like. (although i nearly had a heart attack when I realized it was coming out May 22nd and I put my availability for my mission papers on May 6th)
And I'm soooo flippin' EXCITED to go to my third John Mayer concert on May 5th 2012 in LAS VEGAS! Thanks to my wonderful mom who bought me a ticket as my "last dying wish" (aka before I hit the mission field)
So here's a little photo recap of previous John Mayer Excursions
With a little certain someone named John.
It may have been back in 2002 with such great songs as this.
When I couldn't drive and my mother and I would "scream at the top of my lungs" on my way to school.
But ever since then I knew I couldn't leave him behind.
Songs and bands seem to come and go but dear brother john never leaves.
His albums come with more complexity and new sounds every time but yet never cease to amaze me.
I am pretty much never disappointed. (Except for two songs. "Say" and "Who Says" which I'm going to ignore for the rest of my life.)
I've been with John through thick and thin.
Through Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Anniston and Jessica Simpson.
Through his terrible press and his "racist" remarks. Through his parent's divorce and many new tattoos I've given him the benefit of the doubt.
Lyrics from his new song Shadow Days
"I'm a good man with a good heart, had a tough time, had a rough start,
but I finally learned to let it go. Now I'm right here and I'm right now and I'm open, knowing somehow that my shadow days are over, my shadow days are over now"
I am soooo freaking excited for his new album to come out. John is a changed man and I can't wait to hear what it sounds like. (although i nearly had a heart attack when I realized it was coming out May 22nd and I put my availability for my mission papers on May 6th)
And I'm soooo flippin' EXCITED to go to my third John Mayer concert on May 5th 2012 in LAS VEGAS! Thanks to my wonderful mom who bought me a ticket as my "last dying wish" (aka before I hit the mission field)
So here's a little photo recap of previous John Mayer Excursions
John Mayer SLC August 2010 with my cousins. (only picture do to camera dying) |
Jumping for Joy in the SLC Airport on our way to DENVER |
Blizzard of March 23rd 2010 in Denver CO |
braving the storm to see John Mayer. |
Finally Inside and Ready to Party |
So freaking stoked. Bros on left + cousins= family jam |
So there it is.
I'm in love with John Clayton Mayer.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tearin' Up My Heart
Once upon a time I grew up in the 90's.
Where butterfly clips and windbreaker sweat suits was all I wore.
Where I spent my days playing house and pretending to be married to a number of dream boats (Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Aaron or Nick Carter or Jonathan Taylor Thomas to name a few)
I choreographed many a dances to the sickest beats of the day. (Lucky-BSpears, Rollercoaster Ride- B*Witched, Larger than Life-BBoys)
Then one day. I grew up.
or did I?
Although my hair and outfits have changed. My love for Pop has not. I still find myself twitterpated at the newest singles and boy bands. And I'm 21 freaking years old.
I would say I'm embarrassed but I just can't help it.
I've been through it all. How could I let it go?
So here's a few of my favorite videos from the past
and a couple from the future.
That make my heart go boom boom boom. (Xenon reference anyone?)
Is it pathetic that I still know every word?
No- it's impressive.
Here's my new obsession. Even if they're 3 years younger... haha
You can't forget the JOBROS
What is your guilty pleasure/secret?
Where butterfly clips and windbreaker sweat suits was all I wore.
Where I spent my days playing house and pretending to be married to a number of dream boats (Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Aaron or Nick Carter or Jonathan Taylor Thomas to name a few)
I choreographed many a dances to the sickest beats of the day. (Lucky-BSpears, Rollercoaster Ride- B*Witched, Larger than Life-BBoys)
Then one day. I grew up.
or did I?
Although my hair and outfits have changed. My love for Pop has not. I still find myself twitterpated at the newest singles and boy bands. And I'm 21 freaking years old.
I would say I'm embarrassed but I just can't help it.
I've been through it all. How could I let it go?
So here's a few of my favorite videos from the past
and a couple from the future.
That make my heart go boom boom boom. (Xenon reference anyone?)
Is it pathetic that I still know every word?
No- it's impressive.
Here's my new obsession. Even if they're 3 years younger... haha
You can't forget the JOBROS
What is your guilty pleasure/secret?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Saint Valentine
Once upon a time it was Valentine's Day. I had planned the most epic Valentines Day ever. It all seemed too good to be true. I was in MT returning from my Uncle's funeral and nice weekend with my family. The plan was to drive with my mother and brother Aaron to Rexburg to meet up with my other brother Ethan. Then he and his friends and Aaron and I would commence in the BURB (AKA our trusty old Suburban) to SLC to see this great band.
Then I would head back to Provo and resume life as a single girl at BYU.
But then things changed.
We started our adventure at 8 am. We hopped in the car and started our drive we had only driven about an hour and a half away. At first we thought it was the wind pushing against us. But then we heard that chugging noise. And then we lost speed. And then THE BURB died. And of course we don't have smart phones and we're close to an exit but not close enough to modern civilization. haha.
So we called Ethan who called a towing company and then we waited. And waited. And waited. They came from the nearest town an hour away.
Then we got to drive in the cool tow truck with Derek. The tow truck/repair man. For an hour.
He dropped us off at the Taco Time and took the car to get repaired. So we enjoyed some crisp burritos, diet coke and mexi fries. And then had more time to kill. So then we walked four blocks to the Belgrade public library and read magazines and looked through books. And waited. And waited. And waited.
By the time the car was done and we were in it. It was about 4 o clock. The concert started at 7:30 and we were 8 hours from SLC.
So do we drive me back to school? Or do we go back home? Then the thought crossed my mind. I only have class on Wednesday and Thursday. And then it's President's Day Weekend. And I have Monday off. And Monday classes on Tuesday. Which means I have no class for 4 whole days. So do I make my mom drive all the way to UT and back? Or take another week off? And figure out a better way to get home?
So here I am. In Montana.
Watching movies with my siblings and celebrating Valentines in a different way.
Complete with Valentine's Pizza.
With a whole week ahead of me to Relax. Sleep in. (Do Homework) Bake. Finish my mission papers. Be crafty. Go to the gym. And hang out with my mom. Sorry Provo for neglecting you. Sorry class for ditching out on you. But I'll be back. I'm taking my sabbatical.
Then I would head back to Provo and resume life as a single girl at BYU.
But then things changed.
We started our adventure at 8 am. We hopped in the car and started our drive we had only driven about an hour and a half away. At first we thought it was the wind pushing against us. But then we heard that chugging noise. And then we lost speed. And then THE BURB died. And of course we don't have smart phones and we're close to an exit but not close enough to modern civilization. haha.
So we called Ethan who called a towing company and then we waited. And waited. And waited. They came from the nearest town an hour away.
Then we got to drive in the cool tow truck with Derek. The tow truck/repair man. For an hour.
He dropped us off at the Taco Time and took the car to get repaired. So we enjoyed some crisp burritos, diet coke and mexi fries. And then had more time to kill. So then we walked four blocks to the Belgrade public library and read magazines and looked through books. And waited. And waited. And waited.
By the time the car was done and we were in it. It was about 4 o clock. The concert started at 7:30 and we were 8 hours from SLC.
So do we drive me back to school? Or do we go back home? Then the thought crossed my mind. I only have class on Wednesday and Thursday. And then it's President's Day Weekend. And I have Monday off. And Monday classes on Tuesday. Which means I have no class for 4 whole days. So do I make my mom drive all the way to UT and back? Or take another week off? And figure out a better way to get home?
So here I am. In Montana.
Watching movies with my siblings and celebrating Valentines in a different way.
Complete with Valentine's Pizza.
With a whole week ahead of me to Relax. Sleep in. (Do Homework) Bake. Finish my mission papers. Be crafty. Go to the gym. And hang out with my mom. Sorry Provo for neglecting you. Sorry class for ditching out on you. But I'll be back. I'm taking my sabbatical.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Farewell Frenzy
Once upon a time, in the land of the ELMS, I lived with the most amazing girl ever.
Her name is Sara Andersen.
Then one day she moved away to Vegas to become a Dental Hygienist and then decided to make the bravest/most courageous/spiritual/amazing decision to serve an LDS mission!
She got called to the Oakland California Temple Visitor Center Spanish Speaking Mission.
Way Cool Right?
So then one day my roommates and I decided to go and support her. So we took a little vaca down to SIN CITY to see her before she left.
What a weekend. It was so wonderful to just be with the girls. To see Sara and her brilliant smile and her amazing personality all ready to go preach the gospel to the people in California!
So here's a little photo documentation of the trip. Thanks to Sara and Amanda and Cassandra. Cause my camera blows. : (
Her name is Sara Andersen.
Then one day she moved away to Vegas to become a Dental Hygienist and then decided to make the bravest/most courageous/spiritual/amazing decision to serve an LDS mission!
She got called to the Oakland California Temple Visitor Center Spanish Speaking Mission.
Way Cool Right?
So then one day my roommates and I decided to go and support her. So we took a little vaca down to SIN CITY to see her before she left.
What a weekend. It was so wonderful to just be with the girls. To see Sara and her brilliant smile and her amazing personality all ready to go preach the gospel to the people in California!
So here's a little photo documentation of the trip. Thanks to Sara and Amanda and Cassandra. Cause my camera blows. : (
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Can't leave without the Wrestler Cups! |
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Raiding of Mamma Weed's Dress Up Closet |
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Dinner at BJ's with Kaylee and Clark! |
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Amanda and I hopped the fence to ride the carousel |
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Sunday at Church! |
Friday, January 13, 2012
'Tis the New Year
So once upon a time I came back to school. Only to learn that I have no class on Mondays or Fridays. So therefore, I work hard 3 days a week and then eat cereal, watch episodes of 30 Rock and How I Met Your Mother (new fave).
So tonight. As I watch Liz Lemon "lizzing" a combination of laughing and wizzing. I've decided that it's time to recap my wonderful christmas vacation. And dwell on the fact that I wish I was still there.
But then as I looked through the pictures I took of my vaca. I found only three things. Food, Food and More Food.
Apparently that's all I did. I found some others but here's what I did/made.
Once Upon A Time... My brother was super cool and got to open for HANA PESTLE. |
It was a pretty fun show. |
Anna and I enjoyed some popcorn and freshly brewed root beer. From an actual Brewery! |
The Beautiful hana pestle |
Anna tapping into her inner hipster. |
My family : ) |
Peppermint Red Velvet Whoopie Pies |
That's my NAAN rising. It was delicious. |
These were my own creation. Chocolate Candy Cane Cupcakes with Peppermint Buttercream. I love choco+mint! |
Another Pinterest find. Hot Cocoa Cookies |
Then Christmas came and my sibs and I received these lovely numbers.
gotta love grandma's wall paper. |
Complete With BUTT FLAPS! Then came New Years. We had a lovely dinner party complete with girly movies and ball dropping. |
Chicken Pesto Pasta ala Kailey. Bread ala Heidi. Sparkling Juice ala Emily and spinach, pear, feta salad ala me! |
I also made German Chocolate Cupcakes to bring in the New Year. mmm. Delicious. |
All and All. I'd have to say Christmas Vacation was a blast. Lots of movies. Lots of baking. And spending time with my favorite people!
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