Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well kids. It's that time of year again. You know. The time for the New Year. It's officially 2012. Say What? Crazy eh? Seems like just yesterday when Y2K was happening and Jess and I were painting nails and hoping we didn't die in the year 2000.

Times are a changin'. Which means it's time to do some changing.

So as I sit here in the basement of my home at an ungodly hour in the morning, I've been reflecting on my goals for 2012. It's going to be my year. I can just feel it. Do you ever just feel like that? Something good is going to happen. I don't know what or who or when but it's happening. So here are my thoughts. I figure the best way to reach your goals is to communicate them. So it's getting personal. I'm letting you know my deepest desires for the year 2012. I'm going there. This train is leaving. So if you have some of the same ones. Let's be resolution buddies?!

Goals for 2012
  1. Be Great
  2. Be Healthy
  3. Be Fun
  4. Be Responsible
  5. Be Spiritual
  6. Be Confident
  7. Be Smart
  8. Be Creative
  9. Be Stylish
  10. Be loving
-Exercise 3 times a week. Or More!
-Run Half Marathon. 13 miles. Schmirteen Schmiles. 
-Eat Healthy. Only ONE cupcake. or one cookie. etc. More fruits and veggies. No more icky snacks. 
-Throw Parties. Meet new People. Go on Dates.
-Work. Work Hard at School and at Work.
-Be Smart Financially. Don’t go to GAP! Don’t spend foolishly.
-Read Scriptures and Pray Daily. Attend Temple at least once a month.
-Study Hard. Get 3.65 and get SCHOLARSHIP $
-Flirt More. More Dates. Resign from VL Club Presidency and gain BF.
-Blog. Find new recipes. Healthy alternatives. Be Crafty and Creative. 
-Make Plans for Summer. Provo? Billings? Mission? Study Abroad?
-Don’t Die. Prove Mayans Wrong.
-Go to at least 2 Concerts.
-Buy John Mayer’s new CD. (summer!)
-Acquire Great Wardrobe. Via The D.I. and great accessories. Be hot.


Taylor Ann said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAA, i think i love you.

i just barely resigned from the VL club.
it's a good move. kinda.

I'll be your get a BF pal...

Unknown said...

i just love you!
i have a feeling that THIS is going to be the year for a lot of us!

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